Saturday 25 April 2009

So here's a thing.
Funny how four months slips by eh. "Sorry guv, I just dozed off and all of a sudden it's April..."
Anyway, the big news is that - i have not gained anything.

What I have done is gone on the most amazing scriptwriting course with a chap called Robert McKee, who does Hollywood Script doctoring and whose students have written some major fillums, like Crash, American Beauty and Wall-E. Ok well the first two anyway.

Sitting in the uni lecture hall near Madame Tussauds for ten hours a day, four days on the trot, took me right back to being at LSE in the early 80's. Plus ca change. But plus not ca change too.

In those days we WROTE - long hand - our essays. Computer classes were optional and taken by students called Gerald and Norman, not 'Debbie''s. There were no mobiles - if someone wanted us, they had to...wait. There were no microwaves. Good god, Ashes to Ashes brings back so many memories! And not all of them including a numb bum from listening to hours of script hints.

Anyway now it's time to write my own fillum. It will, of course, as all good first scripts are, be semi-autobiographical, no matter how hard we try to avoid it. So it'll probably include elements of telly work and single mum-dom. And it will, of course, most likely never see the light of day.

But as McKee says, a good writer throws away 90% of what he writes as he knows it's rubbish.

So I'm 90% of the way there already!

Coffee is now not my only vice - and it's not cos I've taken up S&M, or weed. It's cos I've given up coffee. For four weeks now, (not including the ten hour mckee seminars - come on, something had to keep me on the ball!). Got to the stage where I was detouring once too often in the day, to the local patisserie, in Acton, which serves the most amazing cappuccino. And once too often lighting up, sorry, filling up - at home - alone. So now what.

I guess I'll have to get off here and go continue The Script.

At least knowing I can kick off a writing sesh by blogging a bit - even for my own benefit - is a start...!!!


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